FAQ – Bigel Fund
Click here to deadlines and details on how to apply!
All applicants are required to identify and meet with a full-time MSU Anthropology faculty advisor for their project; this should be done ideally one month, but at a minimum, two weeks in advance of the deadline.
1. Qualifications
- 1.1. Recipients must be undergraduate or graduate students majoring or minoring in a program offered by the Department of Anthropology at Montclair State University.
- 1.2 Recipients of grants for individualized fieldwork projects or research must be enrolled in an anthropology course which will provide context and supervision for the work and/or which requires fieldwork related experiences, (e.g., ANTH 480 or another course approved by the Awards Committee).
- 1.3 Recipients should have:
- a 3.0 GPA in Anthropology (major)
- have taken at least 12 credits in anthropology
- have taken the Methods course in anthropology (or its equivalent)
- Please note:
- Students may use a grant for a summer project as long as you enroll in an appropriate summer course.
- Students may apply even if you received a previous award. Some preference will be given to new applications, however.
- Students may apply for a spring semester project and can apply again in the spring for additional funding if you need it.
- Students may ask for money for particular expenses such as travel and supplies OR ask for a more general research stipend to help reduce your off-campus work hours and give you more time for your research OR both of these.
- Students may apply if you are an:
- Anthropology Major
- Anthropology Minor
- Archaeology Minor
2. Application Process
- 2.1 Recipients will be selected by the Awards Committee of anthropology faculty appointed by the Anthropology Department Chairperson. The Awards Committee members alternate from year to year. The current Chair is Dr. Elaine Gerber.
- 2.2. Candidates must submit the attached application form and a grant proposal to the Awards Committee by the deadline indicated.
- 2.3 The grant proposal must be no fewer than 500 words. In your own words, describe the project, the purpose(s) for which the grant funds will be used, the expected outcomes, and must include a budget.
- 2.4 The proposal should include a letter of recommendation from your advisor and, if you plan to do an independent project, the professor of the approved course.
3. The Awards
- 3.1 The Awards Committee will select up to two students each year to be recipients of Antoinette C. Bigel Field Research Fellowships. Each Fellowship will carry a maximum of $3,500 depending on the availability of funds.
- 3.2 The Awards Committee may make additional smaller awards with the remaining funds.
- 3.3 The financial need of the candidate can be a consideration in awarding a grant.
- 3.4 In unusual circumstances, the Awards Committee may offer an extension of one semester to a grant recipient.
4. Recipient Responsibilities & Requirements
- 4.1 Recipients must use the funds for the purposes described in the project proposal.
- 4.2 A recipient will forfeit the Grant if he/she:
- 4.2.1. does not enroll in the semester for which the grant is to be used.
- 4.2.2 is subject to academic suspension, probation, or dismissal.
- 4.2.3 cannot conduct the proposed project.
- 4.3 Grant recipients are required to disseminate their research findings no later than the semester following their research project.
- 4.3.1 Dissemination can be accomplished in a variety of ways, including:
- Present a talk and/or a PowerPoint presentation about your project to faculty and students during a brown bag discussion period.
- Develop a narrative with photos or write an Executive Summary of findings that could be posted on the Department webpage. (NB you would need to secure permission for any photos of people we displayed).
- Write an article or op-ed piece that could be published in the Montclairion, a local newspaper, or posted on the Anthropology webpage.
- A written report of 2000 words or more, detailing how the funds were used.
- Participate as a guest in two or more anthropology classes, talking about your field experience with your peers.
- 4.3.2 Award recipients will identify which method they will adopt and identify a tentative date for dissemination prior to commencing their research project. Written notes from all oral presentations need to be submitted to the Department.
- 4.3.1 Dissemination can be accomplished in a variety of ways, including:
- 4.4. The final installment of the award ($350/or 10%) will be released upon completion of this requirement
ANY QUESTIONS? Please contact Christopher Matthews matthewsc@mail.aksarayyeralticarsisi.com