Below is an overview of the health benefits we offer our employees:
- Medical
- Prescription Coverage
- Dental
- Vision Reimbursement
- NJ Wellness Program (NJWELL)
- Tax$ave Plans – Flexible Spending Accounts
Eligibility for Dependents
Dependents of employees may be eligible for coverage if they fall into one of the below categories.
- Legal spouse
- Same-sex domestic partner or civil union partner
- Eligible children under age 26 (including step-children, foster children, adopted children, or children an employee is legally required to support)
When Medical Plan Coverage Begins
Employee Type | Coverage | Example |
10-Month Faculty hired 9/1 | Medical, prescription, dental effective 9/1 | EX: Faculty hired 9/1, benefits effective 9/1 |
12-Month Faculty hired 9/1 or after, Regular Full-Time Staff | Medical prescription, dental effective 60 days from hire date | EX: Faculty/Staff hired 10/1, benefits effective 12/1 |
10/12-Month, Temporary, Part-Time Staff | Medical, prescription if eligible, effective 60 days from hire/ eligibility date | EX: 10/12-Month, Temporary, Part-Time staff hired 8/5, benefits effective 10/5 (if eligible) |
*ACA eligible- working 30 hours per week within the first 2 months of employment |
Medical Plans
View: Medical Information for Plan Year
Dental Plans
View: Dental Information for Plan Year
Vision Reimbursement
The Vision Reimbursement Program allows full-time employees and eligible dependents to receive one reimbursement for lenses purchased in a designated two-year contract period.
NJ Wellness Program (NJWELL)
NJWELL is a wellness program offered to active employees of the public sector and their covered spouses/partners who participate in the State Health Benefits Program (SHBP) through your health insurance carrier – Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey. The program is designed to help and reward eligible employees and their covered spouses or partners for completing activities designed to promote healthy behaviors.
Tax$ave Flexible Spending Account (FSA)
The NJ Division of Pension and Benefits has awarded Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of NJ as the administrator of the TaxSave FSA (HorizonMyWay) Program. The employee’s Tax Savings Program, Tax$ave, lets you set aside before-tax dollars to pay for certain medical, dental, and dependent care costs.
Retirement Plans:
The Alternate Benefit Plan (ABP) is a tax-sheltered, defined contribution retirement program. ABP provides retirement benefits, life insurance and disability coverage, which can help provide security in retirement.
View: Retirement Plans
Commuter Benefits
New Jersey State Employees Commuter Tax Savings Program allows employees to set aside pretax dollars for eligible mass transit and commuter parking expenses. The pretax dollars are not subject to Federal Income, Social Security and Medicare taxes, thereby saving you money.
Tuition Waiver Program
Employees of Montclair State University who want to further their job-related professional development and/or enhance their effectiveness on the job through participation in courses, certificate programs or other approved programs of study at the University.
Employee Perks and Discounts
The following list of perquisites describes the educational, cultural, recreational, and other opportunities available to University employees and their families.
View: Employee Perks and Discounts
Paid Time-Off
Montclair State University offers the following paid time off to salaried and hourly employees.
View: Paid Time-Off
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